Six Main Principles for Quality Learning Based on Ta’līm al-Muta’allim Ṭorīq al-Ta’allum

Rosé reading book [Source: BLACKPINK Welcoming Collection Photobook]

Rosé reading book [Source: BLACKPINK Welcoming Collection Photobook]

Six Main Principles for Quality Learning Based on Ta’līm Al-Muta’allim Ṭorīq Al-Ta’allum

Adib Rifqi Setiawan



This article examines the requirements for quality learning, that is based exclusively on the nadzom “alālā” that wrote by Burhān al-Dīn al-Nu’mān ibn Ibrōhīm al-Zarnūjī in his treatise entitled “Ta’līm al-Muta’allim Ṭorīq al-Ta’allum”. The quantitative research descriptive studies category used in this article and the results are described based on content analysis technique. It reveals that quality learning has six things dependency: ingenious acumen, fervent desire, resilience, sufficent sustenance, guidance of a teacher, and length of time. The best way to test of any educational factors, of course, is develop instruments to measure quantitatively. The development of instruments is yet to do.


Keywords: al-Zarnūjī; Ta'līm al-Muta'allim Ṭorīq al-Ta'allum; Quality Learning;


DOI: 10.2017509/xxxxt.v6ix


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