feel you know where “a brief” phrase come from...)
to Arij Zulfi M.:
for all support and help, especially when you were in my side and understood me
during my-darker-than-blood period. I would never have spirit to finish
my-crush-study without your patient.”
Government has changed the curriculum periodically since 1947. It was done to
repair the education system and also to improve education quality in Indonesia.
Science education have a great role in enhancing it, especially to increase
qualified students who are creative, critics, logic and initiative toward the
issue in society which occur as a result of Science and Technology development.
This simple-essay describes science education development in Indonesia through an
analysis of curriculum changed since 1947.
is a Korean song and the first single by South Korean singer Kim Hyuna marked
her debut as a solo artist but still as part of girl group 4minute, I like that
music video.)
Constitution 1945 have a big purposes to develop citizen ability and
personality traits also dignified civilization in order to educate all people
to be a religious and faithful, have a good manner, healthy, intelligent,
creative, independent, responsible and democratic person. National Education
should be capable to guarantee the equity of education’s opportunity, quality
improvement, relevancies, and education management efficiency. It described in
Chapter XIII about education on article 31st that consist of two Clauses: (1)
Every people has right for education, (2) Government work on and organize
national learning system, regulated based on constitution. The second clause
becomes a fundamental consideration in changing the curriculum. It was done to
complete and accomplish previous curriculum. Curriculum completions have been
doing continuously as an effort to adjust it with science and technology
development and also society demand. It was done to get perfect proportion of
learning goals, student potential, neighborhoods condition and facilities. Table
1. below showed the curriculum changes from 1947 until 2006.
1. curriculum changes from 1947 until 2006
of Education
Pengajaran 1947
as development conformism, to shape Indonesia people character which
independent and sovereign and equal with other nation on the world
pelajaran Terurai 1952
lesson plan should concern on the content and its relation to daily life
Pendidikan 1964
process was oriented on Pancawardhana Program which consist of sense of
creative, feeling, intention, work and moral. Subject matter was classified
into: moral, intelligence, emotional/ artistic, skill and physic. Elementary
education was focused on knowledge and practice activity
education was focused on (1) created a real Pancasila people, strong and
health; (2) improve intelligence, physics skill, ethics and religion belief
subject matter, and teaching purposes was specified in instructional system:
Prosedur Pengembangan Sistem Instruksional (PPSI).It was known terms of
learning unit “satuan pelajaran”. Each learning unit should be specified in
general guide, purposes of specific instructional, subject matter, learning materials,
and evaluation.
on process skill approach. Student became a subject of learning, start from
observe, classify, discuss and report. The model is called Student Active
Learning (SAL)
on content orientation: content understanding and skill to solve problem
Competence Based Curriculum
on: (1) result and impact on student through meaningful learning experiences,
(2) Diversity which can manifested based on the need
on giving direct experience through inquiry to improve the competence in
understanding nature scientifically, this competence become basic of
curriculum development in each units (schools).
to give learning experiment broadly to learners to improve their attitude,
skills, and knowledge which contributes to improving learners’ ability and
potency as global citizen.
the table above, it can be analyzed that the curriculum start arrange
systematically in 1975, the learning organizations consist of: religion,
language, math, social science, art, sport and health, skills, moral education
and other integrated subject. Science education was not included in that
organization. It begun to be developed in 1984 where the curriculum focused on
process skill approach which support it. Student became a subject of learning,
start from observe, classify, discuss and report. In the reality, teacher had
some misinterpretation of term ‘active’, most of them let student learn
independently in class without lecture. In fact, there were many critics to the
curriculum. Then it enhance to be curriculum 1994, but it faced a problem on
student understanding on science, they just memorize the lesson without
understand it because of it only focus on content of subject.
enhanced the curriculum to the Competence Based Curriculum. It was made based
on UU No. 22 and 25, 1999 about region/district autonomy. Schools and
prefecture government has authority to create and develop their own curricula
based on National Standard of Education in Indonesia. It enhanced to be
curriculum based on education unit level or KTSP (Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan
Pendidikan) in 2006. There is new arrangement of subject matter and program
structure. However,
government rise issues in 2010 about character based curriculum. It based on
100 days government program to enhance nation culture and character besides 100
days program of active learning implementation to solve corruption, criminality
in society, undisciplined, bullying, cheat in national exam, etc.
improvement of 2013 Curriculum from “curriculum for each education unit”
(Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan, abbreviated by KTSP), to
“competency-based curriculum” according to Ministry of Education and Culture is
reflecting some principles. Those principles of improvement curriculum are: (1)
Curriculum must be designed by giving opportunity to learners to improve the
differences in skill and interest; (2) Curriculum must be centered on potency,
improvement, need, and benefit of learners and his environment. Curriculum must
be designed based on the principle that learners is on central position and
must be active while learning; (3) Curriculum must be perceptive to change of
knowledge, culture, technology, and art; (4) Curriculum must be relevant with
need of life.
New Classic
New Classic” is the debut studio album by Australian rapper Iggy Azalea contains
my favorite song “Fuck Love”)
Government published “2013 National Curriculum” was a completion from the
previous curriculum because of unsatisfied competences, of graduates, the heavy
broad and irrelevant contents, teacher centered and textbook oriented learning,
and cognitive focused assessments. This is also triggered by the new challenges
faced in the rich technology and information era that impact on modernization,
globalization, science and technology development. Indonesia’s potential having
55 million skilled workers in the Indonesian economy today that Indonesia will
need 113 million skilled workers in 2030, thus we need to improve quality and
relevancy in education because it is critical to economic and social
A child who has received a good
education tends to be a better parent, make informed decisions, earns a better
living, adopts new technology, copes with crises, and be a responsible citizen.
Thus, education is an important aspect that should be considered by a government
to develop the nation by having qualified human resources. Qualified human
resources are developed by qualified educational system that includes teachers,
policy maker and students. Indonesia is one of developing countries, which
still needs qualified human resources to build it. In addition, 53% populations
in cities are producing 74% of GDP, and then we have to prepare social
engineering in order to achieve 71% population in cities that will produce 86%
of GDP. (I always use satire by saying, “What is the impact on Indonesian GDP?”)
One of the big challenges that should
be faced by Indonesian student in this century is to compete in TIMSS and PISA.
TIMSS result showed that Indonesia had the national target population that did not
include international target population. Furthermore, PISA result of Indonesian
students also was not exciting. This Program of International Students
Assessment assesses the extent to which 15-year-old students have acquired key
knowledge and skills that are essential for full participation in modern
societies. The assessment, which focuses on reading, mathematics, science and
problem-solving, does not just ascertain whether students can reproduce what
they have learned; it also examines how well they can extrapolate from what
they have learned and apply that knowledge in unfamiliar settings, both in and
outside of school. Indonesian students rank was poor position. This showed that
they have low-key knowledge and skill that essential for full participation in
modern scientist. The students were not ready enough to compete in
international competition and join in modern science.
New released curriculum is one
strategy that developed by government to enhance educational quality in order
to create qualified students to compete in international world. The completion
of curriculum framework between 2013 curriculum and the previous ones is
illustrated in table below.
Table 2. Curriculum Framework Completions
KBK 2004
KTSP 2006
2013 Curriculum
Graduate competency standards
derived from content standards
Graduate competency standards
derived from needs
Content standards formulated based
on course purposes, as specified in the standards for graduate competencies
and basic competencies of the course of study
Content standards derived from
graduate competency standards through free core competencies of the course
Course of study that develop
attitudes, skills and knowledge was separated
Every subject have to contribute to
developing attitudes, skills, and knowledge
Competencies derived from course of
Course of study derived from
Courses of study independent of
each other, such as separate groups of lessons
Every course of study banded by
core competencies (each classes)
The development of the curriculum
until up to the syllabi
The development of curriculum until
up to the basic competence
The development of the curriculum
until up to the text book and teachers’ guidelines book
Thematic content for grades I and
II (refer to course of study)
Thematic content for grades I–III
(refer to course of study)
Thematic content for grades I–VI
(refer to competencies)
The development of the curricular
framework in Indonesia refers to the Constitution and follows several phases.
In 2004, the first phases of curriculum development began with design of the
framework followed by structure and content standards (development of thematic
contents for grades I and II) that delivered standards for processes, graduate
competencies, and assessment. The second phase after developing these three
sets of standards, the government developed guidelines, syllabi and sample
lesson plans. The third phase was textbook development, learning and
assessment, which were conducted by the educational units (local governance).
In 2006, in the third phase the government established a new policy that the
development of syllabi, lesson plans, textbook development, learning and
assessment, would be conducted by educational units (local governance) and
developed thematic content for grades I- III. This curriculum was called
Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan (KTSP). In 2013, the government changed the
framework of the curriculum development process. In the first phase, they
analyzed student profiles and the needs in relation to national educational
goals, and then the second phase, improved graduate competency standards from
which were derived processes, framework and assessment standards. Content
standards were developed from the curriculum structure that followed the
curricular framework. At the third phase, the development of syllabi, lesson
plan, textbook development, learning and assessment was took place by the
government. Thematic content is designed for grades I- VI. The completion of
curricular framework between the previous curricula and the 2013 curriculum is
illustrated in detail in Table 1, which describes differences in graduate
competency standard, content standards, courses of study, and phases of
development processes.
The main purpose of this new curriculum
is to create productive, innovative, creative, and good effective human
resources, through reinforcement of attitude, skill and knowledge in order to
face challenges in the 21st century. The government has not implemented this
reform in all regions; it has been carried out in specific areas and responses
are being collected from educational practitioners. Teachers criticize this
curriculum because of the thematic content, which forces them to think
holistically in order to teach lessons. In other words, teachers need to
integrate all subjects into a class to achieve the core competencies in
students. In fact, the answer to what is the best methodology to achieve the
purpose of the curriculum has not been studied yet. However, the integration of
science and technology plays an important role in creating the citizenry needed
in this century. I leave you something to doing Academic Research for Society.
“It is not necessary to go to the
other side of the world to learn about the world; there are many things I can
learn just in our own neighbourhood.”
— Lee Hsien Loong
I do not write bibliography so that
it isn't make me called a nerdy or diligent reader—I'm too lazy to read.
All sources used here can be guessed by searching on online search engine like
Google—I recommend to use Google Scholar for more valid results.